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5.11 Tactical Men's Valiant Duty Jacket, TacTec System Compatible, YKK Aquaguard, Black, M, Style 48

Built on our traditional 5-in-1 jacket design, the Valiant Duty Jacket features a modular design with zip-off sleeves and a vest option, allowing you to adapt your duty wear to your environment. Elasticized cuffs offer a comfortable and secure fit,...
5.11 Tactical Men's Valiant Duty Jacket, TacTec System Compatible, YKK Aquaguard, Black, M, Style 48 screenshot. Men's Jackets & Coats directory of Men's Clothing. Click to enlarge product image  5.11 Tactical Men's Valiant Duty Jacket, TacTec System Compatible, YKK Aquaguard, Black, M, Style 48 - Built on our traditional 5-in-1 jacket design, the Valiant Duty Jacket features a modular design with zip-off sleeves and a vest option, allowing you to adapt your duty wear to your environment. Elasticized cuffs offer a comfortable and secure fit,...


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