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Petzl Ice Pick - Quark/Nomic/Ergo One Color, One Size

If your Petzl Quark, Nomic, or Ergo ice tool has seen better days, replace your worn-out or damaged pick with the Petzl Ice Pick. The Ice Pick provides plenty of stiffness but tapers to 3mm at the tip so you can still get one-swing sticks in cold, dense i
Petzl Ice Pick - Quark/Nomic/Ergo One Color, One Size screenshot. Camping & Hiking Gear directory of Sports Equipment & Outdoor Gear. Click to enlarge product image  Petzl Ice Pick - Quark/Nomic/Ergo One Color, One Size - If your Petzl Quark, Nomic, or Ergo ice tool has seen better days, replace your worn-out or damaged pick with the Petzl Ice Pick. The Ice Pick provides plenty of stiffness but tapers to 3mm at the tip so you can still get one-swing sticks in cold, dense i


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