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MTM AC3C 3-Can Ammo Crate (.50 Caliber)

A rugged tactical carrying crate for multi-caliber ammo storage and transport. Comes with three, O-ring sealed 50 caliber ammo cans (AC50C) for multi-caliber ammo storage. 50 caliber ammo cans are a convenient size to store all types of boxed or bulk...
MTM AC3C 3-Can Ammo Crate (.50 Caliber) screenshot. Hunting & Archery Equipment directory of Sports Equipment & Outdoor Gear. Click to enlarge product image  MTM AC3C 3-Can Ammo Crate (.50 Caliber) - A rugged tactical carrying crate for multi-caliber ammo storage and transport. Comes with three, O-ring sealed 50 caliber ammo cans (AC50C) for multi-caliber ammo storage. 50 caliber ammo cans are a convenient size to store all types of boxed or bulk...


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