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Bubba Blade 8 Inch Whiffie Extreme Flex Tapered Fillet Knife with Non-Slip Grip Handle, 8Cr13MoV Sta

The 8" Whiffie Tapered Flex offers anglers a fillet knife with the ultimate flexibility. This extreme flexibility is ideal for detailed precision cutting. The super thin blade design allows for effortless maneuvering, so you can easily remove bones...
Bubba Blade 8 Inch Whiffie Extreme Flex Tapered Fillet Knife with Non-Slip Grip Handle, 8Cr13MoV Sta screenshot. Hunting & Archery Equipment directory of Sports Equipment & Outdoor Gear. Click to enlarge product image  Bubba Blade 8 Inch Whiffie Extreme Flex Tapered Fillet Knife with Non-Slip Grip Handle, 8Cr13MoV Sta - The 8" Whiffie Tapered Flex offers anglers a fillet knife with the ultimate flexibility. This extreme flexibility is ideal for detailed precision cutting. The super thin blade design allows for effortless maneuvering, so you can easily remove bones...


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