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Extech Instruments Combination Tachometer with Infrared Thermometer and Limited NIST

The RPM10-NISTL is a combination tachometer which provides both contact and non-contact RPM measurements, making this device useful in virtually all applications. The RPM10-NISTL also features a built-in IR thermometer with laser pointer for measuring...
Extech Instruments Combination Tachometer with Infrared Thermometer and Limited NIST screenshot. Weather Instruments directory of Home Decor. Click to enlarge product image  Extech Instruments Combination Tachometer with Infrared Thermometer and Limited NIST - The RPM10-NISTL is a combination tachometer which provides both contact and non-contact RPM measurements, making this device useful in virtually all applications. The RPM10-NISTL also features a built-in IR thermometer with laser pointer for measuring...


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