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Tru-Spec Men's H20 Proof Gen2 ECWCS Parka 3-Layer Breathable

Perfectly designed parka made with an improved 3-layer windproof, waterproof, breathable material to keep you dry and comfortable no matter what the weather throws at you. The secret is the high quality, environmentally safe Bemis seam tapes. Seam tape...
Tru-Spec Men's H20 Proof Gen2 ECWCS Parka 3-Layer Breathable screenshot. Men's Jackets & Coats directory of Men's Clothing. Click to enlarge product image  Tru-Spec Men's H20 Proof Gen2 ECWCS Parka 3-Layer Breathable - Perfectly designed parka made with an improved 3-layer windproof, waterproof, breathable material to keep you dry and comfortable no matter what the weather throws at you. The secret is the high quality, environmentally safe Bemis seam tapes. Seam tape...


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