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Star Rods Seagis Inshore Spinning Rods 6 14, Fast Action, Medium, 7' 6", Line Class 14lb., Guides Ti

Star Rods Seagis Inshore Spinning 6 14, Fast Action, Medium, 7' 6in, Line Class 14lb., Guides Tip+9, Fuji . Weighing in at a mere 3.5-4.3oz., the new Seagis series incorporates the latest component technology to create an ultra-light inshore spinning...
Star Rods Seagis Inshore Spinning Rods 6 14, Fast Action, Medium, 7' 6 Click to enlarge product image  Star Rods Seagis Inshore Spinning Rods 6 14, Fast Action, Medium, 7' 6", Line Class 14lb., Guides Ti - Star Rods Seagis Inshore Spinning 6 14, Fast Action, Medium, 7' 6in, Line Class 14lb., Guides Tip+9, Fuji . Weighing in at a mere 3.5-4.3oz., the new Seagis series incorporates the latest component technology to create an ultra-light inshore spinning...


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