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Seaguar AbrazX 100 Percent Fluorocarbon Line, 1000 yd

Hit the heavy cover with confidence. A main line fluorocarbon designed with unparalleled abrasion resistance. Great around rocks, weeks and docks. MFR# AX.25 lb. 1000 yards. Color: Clear.
Seaguar AbrazX 100 Percent Fluorocarbon Line, 1000 yd screenshot. Fishing Gear directory of Sports Equipment & Outdoor Gear. Click to enlarge product image  Seaguar AbrazX 100 Percent Fluorocarbon Line, 1000 yd - Hit the heavy cover with confidence. A main line fluorocarbon designed with unparalleled abrasion resistance. Great around rocks, weeks and docks. MFR# AX.25 lb. 1000 yards. Color: Clear.


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