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Seaguar AbrazX 100 Percent Fluorocarbon Line, 1000 yd

Designed for heavy cover yet suitable for all conditions. AbrazX can be used in both Spinning Reels and Bait Casting Reels. The line has exceptional knot and impact strength and is extremely soft and sensitive for better feel and smoother casting.
Seaguar AbrazX 100 Percent Fluorocarbon Line, 1000 yd screenshot. Fishing Gear directory of Sports Equipment & Outdoor Gear. Click to enlarge product image  Seaguar AbrazX 100 Percent Fluorocarbon Line, 1000 yd - Designed for heavy cover yet suitable for all conditions. AbrazX can be used in both Spinning Reels and Bait Casting Reels. The line has exceptional knot and impact strength and is extremely soft and sensitive for better feel and smoother casting.


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