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Okuma Fishing Tackle Okuma Cedros Jigging Rods, CJ-C-601MHa

Amplify your success and performance with the Cedros "a" jigging rods. Upon a strike, this rod is designed to absorb the shock produced by low-stress braided while preserving the power to catch large fish. Featuring 16-key casting and spinning models...
Okuma Fishing Tackle Okuma Cedros Jigging Rods, CJ-C-601MHa screenshot. Fishing Gear directory of Sports Equipment & Outdoor Gear. Click to enlarge product image  Okuma Fishing Tackle Okuma Cedros Jigging Rods, CJ-C-601MHa - Amplify your success and performance with the Cedros "a" jigging rods. Upon a strike, this rod is designed to absorb the shock produced by low-stress braided while preserving the power to catch large fish. Featuring 16-key casting and spinning models...


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