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Grizzly H7654 Indexable Spiral Cutter Head, 8-Inch

These cutter heads replace the standard straight-knife cutter heads on our grizzly jointers and planers. each cutter head has four spirals with indexable four-sided carbide inserts that can be rotated four times for a new factory-sharp edge. the 6-Inch...
Grizzly H7654 Indexable Spiral Cutter Head, 8-Inch screenshot. Power Tools directory of Home & Garden. Click to enlarge product image  Grizzly H7654 Indexable Spiral Cutter Head, 8-Inch - These cutter heads replace the standard straight-knife cutter heads on our grizzly jointers and planers. each cutter head has four spirals with indexable four-sided carbide inserts that can be rotated four times for a new factory-sharp edge. the 6-Inch...


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